ASWA Constitution
The name shall be the "Anthropological Society of Western Australia Inc.", hereinafter called "the Society".ADDRESS:
The address of the Society shall be "C/- ~Department of Anthropology, University of Western Australia, Nedlands, W.A; 6009", or as the Executive Committee may from time to time direct.OBJECTS:
The objects for which the Society is established are:
To promote the study of General Anthropology especially in relation to all aspects relevant to the socio-cultural life of the 'indigenous people of Australia and its neighbours. The particular disciplinary fields \pf General Anthropology include but are not limited to Social 'and Cultural Anthropology, Sociology, Physical Anthropology, Socio-Linguistics, Ethnology, Material Culture, Prehistory, Archaeology, and cognate fields.
To provide a common medium and meeting place for people interested in these subjects, and facilitate the interchange of ideas.
To encourage interest and research in these fields.
To promote public and governmental acceptance of the importance of social scientific knowledge, and the benefits to be derived from work done by trained practitioners in this field.
To encourage teaching and research in General Anthropology within Western Australia.
To promote a high level of professional training ', and practice in General Anthropology.
To act as a body in matters relating to these topics.
The property and income of the Association shall be applied solely toward the promotion of the objects of the Association and no part of that property or income may be paid or otherwise distributed, directly or indirectly, to members, except in good- faith in the promotion of those objects.
Membership of the Society shall comprise:Ordinary Members;
Professional Members;
Honorary Life Membership.
Membership is open to all persons who are in sympathy with the objects of the Society and who apply and are admitted to membership by the Executive Committee.
Applicants are eligible for admission as Professional Members if they satisfy one or other of the following criteria:
that they have successfully completed a post-graduate research degree in Social or Cultural Anthropology or Sociology at a recognized institution, or have at least four years academic training in either discipline; or
that, in addition to completing a basic pass-degree major in Social or Cultural Anthropology or Sociology at such an institution, has demonstrated competence in the field as evidenced by relevant work experience, research or publication.
Professional Members may attend all meetings, vote in all ballots and shall receive all notices of the Society. They are eligible to hold any office in the Society.
A person who wishes to become a member shall apply for membership to the Executive Committee in writing in such form as the Executive Committee from time to time directs.
The Executive Committee members shall consider each application made under section 5.3 at an Executive Committee meeting and shall at this meeting or a subsequent Executive Committee meeting accept or reject that application.
The Secretary shall on behalf of the Society keep and maintain theregister of members in accordance with section 27 of the Act and that registershall be kept and maintained at his or her place of residence.
TheSecretary shall cause the name of a person who dies or who ceases to be amember under rules 6.4, 6.5 to be deleted from the register of members.
Each member shall be provided with a copy of the Constitution and By-Laws.
Any member may give notice in writing of resignation from the Society at anytime but shall be liable for payment of subscriptions for the current year.
Members failing to pay their membership fees for more than two yearsconsecutively shall be deemed to have resigned from their membership of theSociety.
The Executive Committee shall have the power to determine, from~time to time, the fees for all subscriptions. There shall be the followingcategories of membership:
Ordinary Membership. The subscription shall befor the whole of any calendar year, and shall become due and payable to theTreasurer on January 1st of each year.
Professional Membership. Thesubscription, which shall be greater than that for Membership, shall be for thewhole of any calendar year, and shall become due and payable to the Treasureron January 1st of each year.
Patronage. Patrons automatically become LifeMembers.
Pensioners, unemployed and students may pay an annual subscriptionset at a rate different from Membership. Students shall be defined as full-timeundergraduates at the Universities, Institutes, full time students at theColleges of Advanced Education and Technical Colleges, and full-time studentsat other institutions which may from time to time be approved by the ExecutiveCommittee. Such members shall have full voting rights in the Society. Thisdiscount does not apply for Professional Membership.
Correspondingmembership, which fee is subscription for the journal. Such members shall haveno voting rights in the Society.
Honorary life membership is available forthe purpose of recognising individual contributions to the several fields ofAnthropology in Western Australia, in accordance with the objects stated in theConstitution. This category of membership is to be made by a secondednomination in writing to the Executive Committee, and any resolution thereof tobe ratified by the next General Meeting of the Society. No subscriptions arepayable by Honorary Members.
Subscription payments may be made by cash orby cheque. Payments may also be made by Bankers Order and the subscriptionsdebited annually to the Member's account.
Each member may bring guests topublic lectures and General Meetings.
Those persons applying for Professional Membershipof the Society shall submit a duly completed application form, together with acurriculum vitae, to the Secretary.
The application shall be considered bythe Professional Committee at its first meeting following receipt of theapplication.
The Professional Committee may request that an applicantprovide additional information or documentation.
When the professionalCommittee has reached a decision on an application, it shall immediately informthe Secretary, who in turn shall inform the applicant of the decision as soonas possible.
If the Executive Committeeconsiders that a member should be expelled from membership of the Societybecause of his or her conduct detrimental to the-interests of the Association,the Committee shall communicate in writing, to the member:
notice of theproposed expulsion and of the time, date and place of the Executive Committeemeeting at which the question of that expulsion will be decided; and
particulars of that conduct, not less than 14 days before the date of theCommittee meeting referred to in paragraph (a).
At the Executive Committeemeeting referred to in a notice communicated under sub rule (1 1, the ExecutiveCommittee may, having afforded the member concerned a reasonable opportunity tobe heard by, or to make representations in writing to, the Committee, expel ordecline to expel that member from membership of the Society and shall,forthwith after deciding whether or not so to expel that member, communicatethat decision in writing to that member.
Subject to sub rule (5), a memberwho is expelled under sub rule (2) from membership of the Society ceases to bea member 14 days after the day on which the decision so to expel him or her iscommunicated to him or her under sub rule, (2).
A member who is expelledunder sub rule (2) from membership of the Association shall, if he or shewishes to appeal against that. expulsion, give notice t o the Secretary of hisor her intention to do so within the period of 14 days referred to in sub rule(3).
When notice is given under sub rule (4) -
theSociety in a general meeting may, after having afforded the member who gavethat notice a reasonable opportunity to be heard by, or to make representationsin writing to, the Society in the general meeting, confirm o r set aside thedecision of the Executive Committee to expel that member; and
the memberwho gave that notice does not cease to be a member unless and until thedecision of the Executive Committee to expel him or her is confirmed under thissub rule.
The management of the affairs and the funds of the Society shall, subject to the provisions of this Constitution and By-Laws, be vested in an Executive Committee elected from members of the Society.
The following shall comprise the Executive Committee of the Society: President, two Vice-Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, Newsletter Editor, and the three members of the Professional Committee ex officio; notwithstanding the possible consolidation of the functions of Secretary and Treasurer in the one person if from time to time in the opinion of the Executive Committee this becomes necessary or desirable. The Annual General Fleeting appointing the Executive Committee should consider a broad representation of individuals from institutions or bodies interested in the work of the Society.
All membersof the Executive Committee shall be elected from the Society for one year andshall be eligible for re-election. Candidates for election to the ExecutiveCommittee shall be nominated in writing to the Secretary no less than fourteendays before the Annual General Meeting. The retiring President shall proceed tothe position of Vice-President ex officio.
The continuing ExecutiveCommittee may act not withstanding any vacancy in its body.
At allmeetings of the Executive Committee five shall form a quorum.
If anymember of the Executive Committee is absent for three consecutive meetings ofthe Executive Committee without leave of the Executive Committee or ceases tobe a member of the Society, his or her position as a member of the ExecutiveCommittee shall become vacant.
A vacancy in an office of the ExecutiveCommittee may be filled by one of the remaining members of the ExecutiveCommittee. The Executive Committee shall also have power to co-opt any memberof the Society to fill a vacancy or for a specific purpose.
Any twomembers of the Executive Committee shall have power to call a special meetingof the Executive Committee to deal with any matter of urgency or importance byso advising the Secretary who shall, as soon as possible, notify all members ofthe Executive Committee and fix a time and place for the special meeting.
Not less than four meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held in eachyear.
The Executive Committee shall manage the affairs and the funds ofthe Society in accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws. and shall keepbooks especially provided for the purpose of recording financial transactionsand inventory of property.
The Executive Committee shall present a reporton the year's activities and an audited balance sheet and statement of incomeand expenditure at the Annual General Meeting.
The Executive Committeemay appoint standing or temporary committees to make investigations, reports orto assist in the work of the Society on matters clearly specified in writing atthe time of appointment of and such Committee which shall consist of at leastthree members, one of whom shall be a member of the Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee shall have power to arrange with other anthropologicalsocieties and institutions throughout the world for the interchange ofpublications.
The President, or in the absence of thePresident, one of the Vice-Presidents, or in their absence, a member of theExecutive Committee elected by the members attending, shall be the Chairpersonof any Executive Committee meeting.
At all meetings of the ExecutiveCommittee the Chairperson shall have a deliberative and a casting vote. Votingby proxy shall not be l allowed.
The President of the Society shall beentitled to take the Chair at any general meeting, but may appoint any othermember as chairperson for the meeting or part of the meeting. In the absence ofthe President, the Vice-Presidents shall be entitled to take the Chair. In theabsence of both President and Vice-Presidents, the members shall choose one oftheir number to be chairperson for the meeting.
The Secretary shall
co-ordinate the correspondence of the Society;
keep full andcorrect minutes of the proceedings of the Executive Committee and of theSociety;
comply on behalf of the Society with
section 27 of the Act inrespect to the register of members of the Society;
section 28 of the Actin respect to the rules of the Society;
section 29 of the Act in respectof the record of office holders, and any trustees, of the Society;
havecustody of all books, documents, records and registers of the Association,including those referred to in paragraph (c), other than those required by rule14 to be kept and maintained by, or in the custody of, the Treasurer; and
perform such other duties as are imposed by these rules on the Secretary.
The Treasurer shall
be responsible for the receipt of all moneys paid to or received by, or by him or her on behalf of, the Society and shall issue receipts for those moneys in the name of the Society;
pay all moneys referred to in paragraph (a) into such account or accounts of the Society as the Executive Committee may from time to time direct;
make payments from the funds of the Association with the authority of a general meeting or of the Executive Committee and in so doing ensure that all cheques are signed by one Executive Committee member other than himself or herself;
comply on behalf of the Association with sections 25 and 26 of the Act in respect of the accounting records of the Association;
whenever directed to do so by the Chairperson, submit to the Executive Committee a report, balance sheet or financial statement in accordance with that direction;
have custody of all securities, books and documents of a financial nature and accounting records of the Society, including those referred to in paragraphs (d) and (e); and
perform such other duties as are imposed by these rules on the Treasurer.
The Professional Committee shall consist of three Professional Members of the Society, elected at the Annual, General Meeting.
Each member of the Professional committee shall, subject to these rules, hold office until the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting following the date of the member's election, but is eligible for re-election.
No member of the Professional Committee shall hold office for more than three consecutive terms.
In the event of a casual vacancy occurring in the membership of the Professional Committee, an election shall be held at the subsequent General Meeting of the Society to fill the vacancy, The member so elected shall, subject to these Rules, hold office until the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting following the date of the election.
A casual vacancy on the Professional Committee shall occur if any member dies, resigns or otherwise ceases to be a member.
The Professional Committee shall meet at least twice a year to consider application, for Professional Membership, except that no application shall remain unconsidered for more than three months.
The Professional Committee shall take special responsibility for items ( f ) and (g) of the Objects of the Society.
The Professional Committee shall present a report to the Annual General Meeting each year.
Not less than five ordinary General Meetings of the Society shall be held in every year at a time and place to be appointed by the Executive Committee.
The Annual General Meeting shall be held each year at a time to be determined by the Executive Committee.
Ten members personally present shall form a quorum at all Ordinary, Special and Annual General Meetings. If fifteen minutes after the time appointed for the meeting no quorum is present the meeting shall be adjourned to such time and place as the Executive Committee shall appoint or at its discretion the meeting may be abandoned.
The Executive Committee may at any time requisition in. writing some or all the members to a Special General Meeting specifying the purpose for which the meeting is to be convened. At such special meetings only the business specified shall be transacted.
Seven clear day's notice in writing of every meeting shall be given, except as stated in Item 14 of the Constitution.
Each member shall be entitled to one vote but voting by proxy shall not be allowed at any meeting. Unless a poll is demanded by not less than two members every question submitted to a meeting shall be decided on a show' of hands. The chairperson shall have a casting vote in addition to the vote to which he may be entitled as a member. A simple majority shall decide each ballot unless otherwise provided for in the Constitution or By-Laws.
Funds may be raised for the purpose of the Society by subscription or other means deemed advisable by the Executive Committee.
The financial year of the Society shall extend from the first day of July to the thirtieth day of June in the following year.
A Capital account styled the General Fund shall be open in the books of the Society and shall be credited with:
donations, unless otherwise specified by the donor;
the surplus balance of any of the Income and Expenditure fund each year unless otherwise directed by the Executive Committee;
all such other sums as the Executive Committee may from time to time decide.
All monies credited to the General Fund shall be deposited in a bank at interest or invested in Government securities, as the Executive committee may decide. Disbursements from the General Fund shall require the approval of the Executive Committee.
Interest or income received from such deposits or securities shall be paid to the credit of the Income and Expenditure Account of the Society.
Subscriptions and income not elsewhere provided for shall be credited to the Income and Expenditure Account. Disbursements shall be approved by any two of the following: the President, Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, Secretary or member of the Executive Committee appointed to act on behalf of any such office.
All sums received in Trust by the Society to be used for any specified purpose shall be placed in a Trust Account in the name of the Society.
The Society may:
purchase, lease, or otherwise acquire for the purpose of the Society any real or personal property and in particular any land, buildings, furniture, utensils, books, newspapers, periodicals, publications, equipment, vehicles, goods, chattels and to sell, lease, let, mortgage, exchange, give or dispose of same;
take or hold any property which may be subject to trusts and shall deal with same only in such manner as allowed by law having regard to such trusts;
print, publish any journal, book or paper for gift of sale;
invest and deal with any monies of the Society no immediately required for the purposes thereof upon such securities and in such manner as may be deemed fit and from time to time realise such investments;
grant prizes, rewards or donations as deemed fit;
draw, accept, endorse and issue promissory notes, bills of exchange, debentures and other negotiable or transferable securities;
amalgamate, affiliate or otherwise associate with any Society, Association or Body;
do all such other acts, matters and things as are or may appear to the Executive Committee to be incidental or conclusive to the attainment of the 'above objects or any of them or any objects of a like or similar nature.
One of more Auditors shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting to carry out the duties of auditing the Society's accounts and balance sheet for the ensuing year.
The Society may affiliate with any other Society if such application is agreed to by two-thirds of the members present and voting at the meeting.
All agreements with any society, association, or such body shall be in writing and the terms and conditions fully stated,
Delegates representing the Society in affiliated societies, associations, or such bodies or delegates to any function, deputation, meeting or society, association or such body shall be chosen from the membership by majority opinion of the Executive Committee.
True accounts shall be kept of the sums of money received and expended by the Society and the manner in respect of which such receipt and expenditure takes place. Once at least in every year the accounts of the Society shall be examined and the correctness of the accounts and Balance Sheet ascertained by one or more authorised Auditor or Auditors.
The Society shall make such by-laws as it thinks fit. Any amendment to the by-laws shall require the approval of three-quarters of the members attending a general meeting or special meeting convened for the purpose.
The Constitution may be amended only after notice of intention to seek amendment has been circulated to all members of the Society and any such amendment carried by a three-quarters majority of the members present at the meeting and voting at the meeting convened to deal with the matter. In such cages fourteen days notice of motion is to be given to all members in the State of Western Australia.
The Secretary shall notify the Deputy Commissioner of Taxation in Western Australia of any such alteration.
The Secretary of the Executive Committee shall be charged with the safe-keeping and control of the Common Seal of the Society and the said Seal shall be used for the purposes and objects of the Society only with authority of the Executive Committee. All documents and instruments requiring to be sealed with the Seal of the Society shall be sealed in the presence of a member of the Executive Committee and the Secretary or in the absence of the Secretary, the President or one of the Vice-Presidents.
No fee, remuneration or gratuity shall be paid to any officer, member of the Executive Committee, or member of the Society for services rendered to or on behalf of the Society.
A member may at any reasonable time inspect without charge the books, documents, records and securities of the Society
In any matter requiring approval of the Society where time does not permit the calling of a general or special meeting of the Society the Executive Committee may take action but a full report shall be made of the matter at the next general meeting.
If any contingency arises which is not covered by the By-Laws the Executive Committee may deal with such matter in any manner it thinks fit, provided that approval is given by the Society at the next general meeting of the Society.
Where a motion is considered by the chairperson to be controversial, such motion shall be accepted as a notice of motion for the next meeting of the Society.
If on the winding up or dissolution of the Society any property of the Society remains after satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities of the Society and the costs, charges and expenses of winding up, that property shall be distributed to another incorporated association company or institution having objects similar to the Society and one which prohibits distribution of funds and assets to its members provided that the company, institution or association to which the property or money is transferred or paid is one which satisfies the requirements of Item 8l(l)(c) of the First Schedule of the Sales Tax (Exemptions and Classifications) Act and is an approved company, institute or association under sub-paragraph 78(l)(a)(ii) of the Income Tax Assessment Act; and which incorporated association or purposes, as the case requires, shall be determined by resolution of the members when authorizing and directing the Executive Committee under section 33(3) of the Act to prepare a distribution plan for the distribution of the surplus property of the Society. The Deputy Commissioner of Taxation in Western Australia sha1l be notified in the event of the winding up or dissolution of the Society. Original Constitution and By-Laws adopted by a Special General Meeting of the Society held on 10th August, 1981. Constitution amended by Special Resolution of the Annual General Meeting held on 11th September, 1989. The Anthropological Society of Western Australia Inc. was incorporated as an Association under the provisions of the Associations Incorporation Act, 1895-1969, Section 3(3), on 2nd March, 1982.